Sue Lennon
0402 007 920

Matt Jones
0409 931 018

Darren Walles
0425 806 540

Jo Williams
0434 535 525

Heather Curnow
0403 819 855
If you wish to attend a Board Meeting, please contact the Board Secretary
Board of Management
The Montrose Football Club is a combined Junior and Senior entity overseen by the Board of Management. The Board of Management is elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club in October. Board members serve a period of two years with around half completing their term each year. The Board of Management essentially oversees the running of the club - its finances, any club negotiations with external bodies, and the operation of the various sub-committees within the club. All Board members have been associated with the Junior or Senior section in some way.
The club structure is such that it is run with a series of different sub-committees accountable to a Board of Management. The Junior Committee is one of those sub committees. To be effective, we need people to contribute in a range of ways - you can be involved in whatever you prefer, social, grounds, finance, admin, football operations etc. Please don’t be shy - the most successful clubs are those in which everyone gets involved. There is no monetary reward, but there is great satisfaction in seeing a club you have contributed to run well and enjoy success.
The Annual General Meeting of the club is held in October. At this meeting the Board Of Management is elected. The Junior and Senior section of the club will generally hold a meeting to elect a committee for the following year towards the end of the season.
We would hope that there would not be any cause for complaint, but players and club members should direct grievance or complain to their Parent Representative. Where this cannot be resolved, it will be escalated to the Junior or Senior President, who will attempt to resolve the issue. Where they feel a solution cannot be found, the complaint / grievance will be referred to the Junior / Senior Committee, and if necessary, the Board of Management.
The club operates one account and the budget is set by the Board of Management. It must take into account all costs of running the football club, both at Senior and Junior level. Turnover across the club is currently in the order of $900,000. Full details are available in the AGM Report, as of 31st October, 2023
Player Fees
These are set each year by the Board of Management after consideration of the Budget at a level which should cover the junior section of the club’s obligations to the EFNL each year including registration, insurance, umpires fees, footballs, jumpers, publications etc., as well as our contribution to ongoing bills including such items as water, electricity, gas, maintenance and Shire Of Yarra Ranges fees.
It is expected that all player registration fees must be paid by the Friday one week prior to Round 1. Cases of genuine hardship may approach the Registrar to seek an extension or explore payment options.
We employ a small number of staff to manage the canteen and for ordering purposes, as well as Bar Staff.
It is a fact of life nowadays that without sponsorship local football clubs would find it very difficult to survive. Sponsorship comes in many forms - Jumper sponsors, fence signage, trophies, advertising etc. - and at many levels. If you are interested please ask for details from Sponsorship Co-ordinator. Please support our sponsors as they support us.
Functions and Fundraising
Club functions are held during the year and all members are encouraged to attend these functions regardless of the section of the club running them. The survival of any club is dependent on its ability to raise funds through fundraising activities. We ask all members to be mindful of this and assist the club in its fundraising efforts.