The History of the Montrose D-Men Coterie
The Montrose D-Men Coterie Club was formed in 1995.
The inaugural meeting held at the De Montrose Chinese restaurant on 6th March 1995. The first meeting included a total of 25 members, all from the Montrose community, with the majority being from the Montrose Football and Cricket Clubs. The first president was John Harrop, with Roger Skien as Treasurer.
In 2023 the Coterie Club is still going strong, with 23 members, including two original members, being Graham Sprague and Greg Gardoll.

The D-Men Coterie Club was formed to support community sport in various ways.
The main beneficiaries in recent years being Football, Cricket, Netball, Auskick, FIDA Clinic and Montrose Recreation Reserve.
This has been achieved by helping improve renovations to the old pavilion club rooms, supplying practice nets to the cricket club, fundraising for the new scoreboard, shelters and various other initiatives.
Since its inception, the Coterie Club have also assisted in membership payments and playing equipment to assist families with the expense, where needed.
The main fundraiser is the Golf Day, held in March each year.
D-Men Coterie has proudly raised and distributed in excess of $250.000 since 1995.
Past Presidents include John Harrop, Greg Gardoll, Barry Williams, Bruce Stephens, Doug Miller, Steve Wright, Damien Gray, Troy Mansell, Matt Jones and Aaron Roche.
The current President is Gary Felstead.
The Coteries Club’s main aim is to help all facets of sport in the Montrose community and hopefully we will continue to do so for many more years to come.
The Coterie Club (Montrose Coterie Group Inc.) meet the first Wednesday of the month at the Ken Dowling Pavilion at 7.00pm.
New members are always welcome.
For any information, please contact the current Secretary Grant Keating on 0411 208 744