Merchandise shop open tonight
MFC Merchandise is shop open tonight in the outdoor Auskick area near the back oval!! 6 - 7.30pm. Pick up...

Christmas Training Tips
With 12 days 'til Christmas, these are the perfect tips to keep you in shape pre-season!

Remember to Recycal
Remember to Recycal .. delivering Montrose FC Members, the best return for your recycled materials this Christmas holidays.

Love to play golf when you’re not playing footy?
The House of Golf - Ringwood has got amazing bargains up for grabs! If you're looking for a new driver, set...

Deliciousness at IGA
Pick up all your ingredients at Montrose IGA this Christmas - generous sponsors of the club in 2019.

U17 Boys looking strong!
U17s coach Dan McCall was back to work as pre-season training began .... awesome turn out with 35 boys paid...

U16 Girls start preseason training!
Its all about strength and conditioning our U16 girls with coach Gavin Green to have a super start to 2019...

Player Transfer window closes today, Friday 30th Nov.
To transfer from your current club & play at Montrose in 2019, follow the links at montrosefc.org.au/transfers or give Brad a call...

Auskick Registrations now open
Registrations for Montrose Auskick are open! www.aflauskick.com.au Search MONTROSE or 3765 and follow the prompts!

What are you waiting for?
Your opportunity to transfer to Montrose closes this Friday. What are you waiting for?