Good Morning Montrose Families,
It saddened us to advise that the EFNL has canceled the 2020 Junior Football Season.
With the State Government re-introducing stage three restrictions for the next six weeks, any slight chance of a potential season start wouldn’t take place until mid-September as a best-case scenario. With that in mind, and not wanting to progress into the cricket season as this would then delay the start of the 2021 Football season, the decision has been made in conjunction with four other major metropolitan leagues to cancel the 2020 season. The Montrose Football Club fully supports the league in coming to this decision.
Over the coming weeks, the club will meet to start planning for the 2021 season which will also include how registration fees already paid by families for the 2020 season will be managed in addition to a number of other things relating to 2020 season topics. This will be communicated to everyone at the earliest opportunity however if we could please ask for your patience in enabling these decisions to be made and finalised over these ensuing weeks it would be greatly appreciated.
We would like to pass on our sincere thanks to all Montrose Football Club families, players, coaches and officials for their commitment and support of the club’s efforts in trying to do everything in our power to get our teams back on the park during these unprecedented times. Whilst we haven’t been able to achieve our goal of having all our Montrose Teams play football in 2020, providing the opportunity over the past six weeks for all our kids to be back up and involved at the club, training, being active and most importantly being around their teammates during these challenging times has certainly been worthwhile, so thank you to everyone.
Please stay, safe, well and really look after each other, particularly over these coming six weeks so that we can build to be bigger, better and stronger together for season 2021! We can’t wait!
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