The Montrose Football Club, in partnership with Yarra Ranges Council and the Football Integration Development Association, FIDA, are offering people with an intellectual disability, aged 14 and over, the opportunity to learn the skills of Australian Rules Football.

2020 is the 16th season the Club has conducted the Clinics and there is now a strong core group of regulars who really enjoy attending and the lunch afterwards with parents, carers and the coaching team. We welcome new participants at any time. The only requirement in the way of uniform is footy boots and comfortable clothing. All participants are provided with a Montrose FC guernsey by one of our generous sponsors, the Montrose and District Rotary Club. On the Saturday following the last clinic each season, there is a Presentation morning tea attended by Club officials, sponsors of the Clinics, coaches, and of course all participants, family and friends.

For more details or registration, please visit

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Montrose Football & Netball Club